I Portici ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

The participation design was leaded paying attention to the complexity of the project area: a hinge between the heterogeneity of the urban tissue, formed by several different elements (from the private one-floor building to the multitasking tower block), and the Villa Comunale park, the principal attraction element  that qualify the entire Frosinone city quarter.

The project was elaborated with the effort to link the urbanity of the city tissue to the quality of the park  – that is located in front of the project area-  thanks to the planimetrical organization of the space,  respecting the competition requests.

On the ground floor commercial units take place, and all of them overlook to a big covered square; the whole area is designed and projected like a permeable urban tissue, which allows people to enjoy the entire space, bringing the park near to its inhabitants, offering to them new tracks and directions, increasing interesting points where some rest areas take place, promoting, in this way, socialization among people.

The connection between indoor and outdoor leaded not only the buildings and the billets planning, but also  the “big garden” project.

These five blocks have been planned to offer an overlook to the park to the largest number of apartments.

Great attention has been given to the study of solar radiation: the position and the mutual distances between buildings have been planned to minimize and cancel the building shadows and to identify a large garden roof area well-radiated throughout the winter season, instead the correct dimensioning of  loggias and balconies realizes a play of shadows on the facade that contributes to prevent  the overheating during the summer period.

On the roof garden, for the entire the day is possible to have shady places and an ideal hygrotermal comfort. Blocks alternations aids summer breezes to reach all the building.


Honorable mention.

Design team: Livio Ficarra, Silvia Nardi, Amedeo Squarzoni

Sustainability: Maria Antonietta Carboni

Partita IVA 01723690853 | Codice Fiscale FCRLVI78B11F065Z
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